Interview with Carlos Henríquez Consalvi, "Santiago"
Interview is in Spanish. Carlos Henriquez Consalvi, also known as "Santiago" is the director of El Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (MUPI) in San Salvador and the former announcer for Radio Venceremos. In this interview, Santiago describes his involvement with the FMLN, the formative years of Radio Venceremos, and the work of El Museo de la Palabra y La Imagen. Santiago mentions moments during the Salvadoran Civil War that he considers pivotal in the role of Radio Venceremos, such as the Massacre at El Mozote in December 1981, and also the current use of Radio Venceremos recordings, and other archival materials from the civil war that are housed in MUPI. This interview was conducted in Austin, Texas as part of the 2014 Lozano Long Conference Micro Oral History Project. | 00:00-00:26 Introductions; 00:26-10:58 The Beginnings of Radio Venceremos; 10:58-14:47 Pivotal Events During the Civil War and in the History of Radio Venceremos; 14:48-19:08 Santiago's Role in the FMLN and in Radio Venceremos; 19:08-22:24 The Creation of El Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen; 22:25-30:02 Personal Transformations as a Result of the Civil War and Radio Venceremos; 30:02-30:58 Concluding Thoughts
Henríquez Consalvi, Carlos "Santiago" (Narrator) and Gutierrez Jr., Miguel (Interviewer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
sound recordings, moving image, and Oral histories
30 minutes, 58 seconds
Rights - Use and Reproduction:
University of Texas Libraries
Radio Venceremos (El Salvador)--History, Mozote Massacre, El Mozote, El Salvador, 1981, and Radio broadcasting--El Salvador--History--20th century
Place Name:
El Salvador
Geographic Coverage:
El Salvador (country)
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Related Resource - Other:
"Archiving the Central American Revolutions" Micro Oral History Collection (title) and (uri)