The pleasant historie of the conquest of the West India, now called new Spayne
The pleasant historie of the conquest of the West India, now called new Spayne
Alternative Title:
The pleasant history of the conquest of the West India, now called New Spain
A history of the conquest of Mexico. A translation of the second part of the author's (Hernán Cortés) Historia general de las Indias, Zaragoza, 1553; [La conquista de Mexico]. | Originally part of the Frank Cutter Deering collection.
López de Gómara, Francisco, 1511-1564 (author), Nicholas, Thomas, active 1560-1596 (translator), Deering, Frank Cutter, 1866-1939 (collector), and Creede, Thomas, -1619? (printer)
Owning Repository:
Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
Errors in paging: p. 33 is wrongly numbered 37; 36 is 40; 37 is 41; 40 is 37; 142 is 143; 143 is 142; 146 is 147; and 147 is 146; 369 is 371; 372 is 370; 373 is 375 and 376 is 374. and English and Latin verses by Stephan Grosson in praise of the translator, 5th prelim. leaf
Related Resource - Other:
The pleasant historie of the conquest of the West India, now called New Spaine (title), GZZ 972.02 G584HTN 1596 (local), 11502294 (oclcSource), and (uri)