Interview conducted in English. Molly Dougherty, Executive Director for Vecinos Inc., a non-profit support organization for Asociación Salvadoreña Pro-Salud Rural (ASAPROSAR), describes her work with Vecinos, Inc., in Austin, and her time in Nicaragua and El Salvador in the early 1980s. In this interview, Dougherty speaks about her first experiences volunteering with the Sandinistas after the revolution and in El Salvador during the Civil War. This interview was conducted by Miguel Gutierrez Jr., a graduate student in Journalism and Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, whose research focuses upon issues of migration during the Salvadoran Civil War, specifically the deportation of adults who were brought to the United States as children during the period of the civil war. | 00:04-00:35 Introductions; 00:45-02:46 Founding of Vecinos, Inc. and connections to Asociación Salvadoreña Pro-Salud Rural (ASAPROSAR); 02:46-16:30 Volunteering in Nicaragua (1981-1982); 05:31-14:01 Volume of volunteers/aid workers in Nicaragua; 14:02-16:30 Influence of Cuban revolution on Sandinista government; 16:30-29:50 Return to the United States and involvement in El Salvador; 20:34-27:40 Initial connection to ASAPROSAR; 27:40-29:50 Relationships between ASAPROSAR and military/guerrilla factions during Salvadoran Civil War; 29:50-44:06 Concerns over disappearances and death squads during Salvadoran Civil War; 44:06-55:55 Personal changes as a result of involvement with ASAPROSAR and work in El Salvador; 55:55-01:01:13 Concluding Thoughts
Dougherty, Molly (Narrator) and Gutierrez Jr., Miguel (Interviewer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
sound recordings, mixed material, and Oral histories
01 hours, 01 minutes, 13 seconds
Rights - Use and Reproduction:
University of Texas Libraries
Civil war--El Salvador--History--20th century--Personal narratives, Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, and Asociación Salvadoreña Pro-Salud Rural (ASAPROSAR)
Place Name:
El Salvador and Nicaragua
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"Archiving the Central American Revolutions" Micro Oral History Collection (title) and (uri)