De optimo mo reip. statv, deqve noua insula Vtopia: libellus uere aureus, nec minus salutaris quàm festiuus, clarissimi disertissimiq[ue] uiri Thomae Mori inclytæ ciuitatis Londinensis ciuis & vicecomitis
De optimo mo reip. statv, deqve noua insula Vtopia: libellus uere aureus, nec minus salutaris quàm festiuus, clarissimi disertissimiq[ue] uiri Thomae Mori inclytæ ciuitatis Londinensis ciuis & vicecomitis
The Latin version of Sir Thomas More's Utopia. This was a 16th century satirical account of a fictitious land, where peace and harmony prevail. This rare third edition published in 1518 was edited by Erasmus of Rotterdam, to whom More had sent the manuscript in 1516. This copy once belonged to Archbishop Zumárraga. It contains manuscript notes and numerous parts of the text have been deleted by the Inquisition. | Originally part to Genaro García Collection.
More, Thomas, Saint, 1478-1535. (author), Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536 (writer of epigrams), Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548 (writer of added commentary), and García, Genaro, 1867-1920 (collector)
Owning Repository:
Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
Each of the three parts has its own colophon, that of the first part, the Utopia, being dated November, 1518. The "Epigrammata" of More and of Erasmus have also special title-pages., Benson (LAC-ZZ) copy imperfect : pp.11-12 wanting, and Benson (LAC-ZZ) copy once belonged to Archbishop Zumárraga. It contains manuscript notes and numerous parts of the text have been deleted by the Inquisition.
Related Resource - Other:
De optimo reip. statv, deqve noua insula Vtopia (title), (uri), GZZ 321.07 M813d 1518 (local), and 12899667 (oclcSource)