Discursos pronunciados por los Exmos. Sres. General D. Plutarco Gonzales y D. Mariano Riva Palacio
Discursos pronunciados por los Exmos. Sres. General D. Plutarco Gonzales y D. Mariano Riva Palacio
A transcript of the speeches delivered by these two individuals when the former handed over the governorship of the State of Mexico to the latter | Una transcripcion de los discursos que dieron estos individuos cuando el primero entrego al segundo la gobernacion del estado de México
Digitization of physical collection conducted by Robert Esparza. Metadata compiled by Diego Godoy, while employed by LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections during 2019 - 2020.
Origin Note:
Digitized with funds from the Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP), Center for Research Libraries. Description work funded through a gift made in honor of Consuelo Castañeda Artaza and her sons.