چینی، پیٹر (author), Pīṭar Cainī (author), Cheyney, Peter; 1896-1951 (author), انصاری، مظہر (translator), Anṣārī, Maẓhar (translator), unknown artist (illustrator). فولادی نقاب - University of Texas Libraries Collections. undated.
چینی، پیٹر (author), Pīṭar Cainī (author), Cheyney, Peter; 1896-1951 (author), انصاری، مظہر (translator), Anṣārī, Maẓhar (translator), unknown artist (illustrator). (undated). فولادی نقاب. Retrieved January 25, 2025, from
چینی، پیٹر (author), Pīṭar Cainī (author), Cheyney, Peter; 1896-1951 (author), انصاری، مظہر (translator), Anṣārī, Maẓhar (translator), unknown artist (illustrator). فولادی نقاب. undated. "فولادی نقاب – Collections". University of Texas Libraries Collections. <> (25-January-2025).Note that these citations have been automatically generated, please verify that citation is correct and contains all necessary information.