saṅkalana evaṃ sampādana, Sañjaya Kr̥shṇa (Author). Cover of Gopālarāma Gahamarī : prasiddha jāsūsī kahāniyām̐ - University of Texas Libraries Collections. 2017.
saṅkalana evaṃ sampādana, Sañjaya Kr̥shṇa (Author). (2017). Cover of Gopālarāma Gahamarī : prasiddha jāsūsī kahāniyām̐. Retrieved February 08, 2025, from
saṅkalana evaṃ sampādana, Sañjaya Kr̥shṇa (Author). Cover of Gopālarāma Gahamarī : prasiddha jāsūsī kahāniyām̐. 2017. "Cover of Gopālarāma Gahamarī : prasiddha jāsūsī kahāniyām̐ – Collections". University of Texas Libraries Collections. <> (08-February-2025).Note that these citations have been automatically generated, please verify that citation is correct and contains all necessary information.