Correspondence between Henri Biscompte and K.G. Sayidain
Correspondence between Henri Biscompte and K.G. Sayidain
This record contains two letters exchanged between Henri Biscompte and KGS. In the first letter, written in French, Henri Biscompte invites KGS to deliver an opening speech at a conference, among other matters. The second letter, written in English, contains KGS's reply to Henri Biscompte, in which KGS informs him that he would be unable to attend the conference due to poor health. However, KGS confirms that he will send a brief written address and a recording as an alternative.
Henri Biscompte (author), Khwaja Ghulamus Saiyidain (author), and Saiyidain, Khwaja Ghulam, 1904-1971 (author)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin