Morocco, 1:200,000. Series P531. [Chichaoua, Sheet 52]
Morocco, 1:200,000. Series P531. [Chichaoua, Sheet 52]
Relief shown by contours, hachures, and spot heights. | Three classes of roads and two classes of railroads are shown. | Copied from maps by the Service géographique du Maroc. | Set includes various issues and editions of some sheets, some reissued by U.S. Army map service, A.M.S. P531 (GSGS 4173). | Military grid. | Each sheet includes index to adjoining sheets.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section. (Cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin