Europe 1:1,000,000. Series 2758. [Elista, Sheet NL 38]
Europe 1:1,000,000. Series 2758. [Elista, Sheet NL 38]
Set includes various issues of some sheets, some reissued by U.S. Army Map Service. Some sheets are compiled by the Royal Geographical Society, Ordnance Survey, British Middle East Forces (M.D.R. 1) or Army Map Service. | Projection of the International map [of the world]. | Contours at 100 & 200 metres, & above at 200 metre interval. Elevations also shown by altitude tints, hachures and spot heights. | Four classes of railroads, four classes of roads and tracks, and two types of internal boundaries are indicated. Some sheets have air information which includes lines of equal magnetic variation, landing areas, and hazards and aids for air navigation. | Pronouncing glossary on some sheets. | Marginal indexes to boundaries and adjoining sheets are included.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section. (Cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin