Relief shown by contours, spot heights, and gradient tints. | Five classes of railways and five classes of roads are shown. | Covers area west from Tranderup, Denmark to Stege, Denmark to the east, and north from Kalvehave, Denmark to Nebukow, Germany to the south. Rostock roughly in lower right corner of sheet. | Sheet M.55, Rostock from series originally issued in various editions by Great Britain, War Office, Geographical Section, General Staff, No. 4346. | "For use by War and Navy Department Agencies only. Not for sale or distribution." | Military grid. | "North European Zone III ... Spheroid, Bessel. ... Nord de Guerre Zone Grid ... Spheroid, Du Plessis." | Cataloging agency's copy overprinted with 4 coordinate scale circles with center points located roughly at E 10°44ʹ N 54°44ʹ ; E 11°31ʹ N 54°46ʹ ; E 11°55ʹ N 54°17ʹ ; E 11°9ʹ N 54°14ʹ. IXA | "Heights in metres." | "Certain main spot heights are indicated by a white tab to improve legibility." | Includes legend, Incidence of grid letters diagrams, Convergence for corners of this sheet diagram, To give a grid reference on this sheet, Grid data: North European Zone III; Nord de Guerre Grid, Index to adjoining sheets, index to corresponding sheets of G.S.G.S. 4081, Germany 1 100,000, Conversion table, Authorities, and Glossary. Also includes printer's color control bar in upper margin. | "C.T. 1-45."
United States. Army Map Service, cartographer (expression), issuing body, printer. (cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin