Corsica 1:50,000. Series M763. [Bastelica, Sheet 12]
Corsica 1:50,000. Series M763. [Bastelica, Sheet 12]
Relief shown by contours and spot heights. | Complete in 16 sheets. Set includes various issues of some sheets, some reissued by U.S. Army Map Service as A.M.S. M763. | Contour interval 20 metres. Contours have been interpolated from spot heights and hachures on the French 1:80,000. | Military grid. | Five classes of roads and tracks, and various types of vegetation are shown. | Corsican topographical terms & abbreviations on each sheet. | Marginal maps on various sheets show index to sheets, compilation data, etc. | Sheet 1. Luri -- sheet 2. Bastia -- sheet 3. Calvi -- sheet 4. Belgoderse -- sheet 5. Borgo -- sheet 6. Galeria -- sheet 7. Corte -- sheet 8. Vico -- sheet 9. Venaco -- sheet 10. Ghisonaccia -- sheet 11. Ajaccio -- sheet 12. Bastelica -- sheet 13. Petreto-Bicchisano -- sheet 14. Porto Pollo -- sheet 15. Sartene -- sheet 16. Bonifacio.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section. (Cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin