Italy 1:50,000. Series 4229. [Auronzo, Sheet 12-I]
Italy 1:50,000. Series 4229. [Auronzo, Sheet 12-I]
Set includes about 1,000 sheets with various issues of some, some prepared by U.S. Army Map Service with series designation Provisional G.S.G.S. 4229, some reissued by various survey units of the Allied Forces in Italy (A.F.) some by Middle East Forces (M.D.R. 578). | Contours at 10, [25 or 50] metres interval. Some sheets issued by Allied Forces "layered | altitude tints in metres." | Meridians are based on the meridian of Rome, which is 12°27'7.1 east of Greenwich." | Military grid. | Four classes of railroads, seven classes of roads and paths, and three types of internal boundaries are indicated. | Based on Carta topografica of Istituto geografico militare. Some sheets covering the boundary between France and Italy are not reproduced and are omitted in numbering. This area is included in series G.S.G.S. 4471, France 1:50,000. | Insets included on some sheets. | Marginal diagrams on various sheets show index to adjoining sheets, compilation data, etc.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section. (Cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin