France 1:100,000. Series M661.[Chateauroux, Sheet 9K]
France 1:100,000. Series M661.[Chateauroux, Sheet 9K]
Set includes various issues of some sheets. This set and the set: France, scale 1:100,000 (G.S.G.S. 4249), which is separately cataloged, constitute a set complete in 136 sheets, some oversize. | Sheet lines are based on the French Bonne grid. | Military grid. | Contour interval 10 meters, changing at 50 meters to 25 meter interval. | Roads and railroads are completely classified.--Index map. | Orchard, vineyard and wooded areas are shown. | Based largely on maps by the French Service géographique de l'Armée. | Includes "Glossary." | Marginal diagrams: Aerial photo revision diagram.--Index to adjoining sheets and incidence of grid letter.
United States. Army Map Service. (Cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin