Mexico 1:250,000. Series F541. [Vera Cruz, Sheet E-14 N-III]
Mexico 1:250,000. Series F541. [Vera Cruz, Sheet E-14 N-III]
Relief shown by form lines, contours and spot heights. | Elevations are indicated in meters. | Form line interval 150 meters (Approx.)--On some sheets. | Geographic Branch, Military Intelligence Division, (G-2) General Staff, U.S.A. | Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers, War Department. | First Edition (AMS 1), 1941; (AMS 2), 1947. | Universal Transverse Mercator Grid added, 1947. | Ten thousand meter Universal Transverse Mercator Grid, Zone 14. The last four digits of the grid numbers are omitted. | Standard map series designation: F541. | Set incomplete.
United States. Army Map Service, (Cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin