Thailand 1:50,000. Series L708.[Changwat Surin, Sheet 5655 I]
Thailand 1:50,000. Series L708.[Changwat Surin, Sheet 5655 I]
Relief shown by contours and spot heights. | Issued in quadrangles 10 minutes of latitude and 15 minutes of longitude. | Contour interval 20 meters with supplementary contours at 10 meter intervals. | Each sheet includes "Glossary," "Index to boundaries" and "Index to adjoining sheets." | Some sheets include "Coverage diagram." | Each sheet has name of quadrangle at top, and at lower right. | Edition 1-AMS or "Edition 1-AMS (FE)." | Various editions of some sheets.
United States. Army Map Service. (Cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin