Luzon, 1:50,000. Series 712. [Gapan, Sheet 3356 I]
Luzon, 1:50,000. Series 712. [Gapan, Sheet 3356 I]
Complete in about 440 sheets. Set includes various issues of some sheets, some without series note, some by Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area (S.W.P.A. S712) some by U.S. Army Forces in the Pacific (A.F.P.A.C. S712) and some by Australian Survey Corps (L.H.Q./287). | Polyconic projection. | Military grid. | Some sheets are produced from aerial photos. | Elevations are shown by contours or form lines | contour interval 20, 50, or 100 feet | soundings in fathoms or feet. | Four classes of roads or trails, three classes of railroads, and areas of vegetation and cultivation are shown. | Marginal diagrams: Index to boundaries.--Coverage diagram.--Index to adjoining sheets.
United States. Army Map Service. (cartograher)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin