Relief shown by contours, spot heights, and gradient tints. | Five classes of railways and five classes of roads are shown. | Covers area west from Lepzig to Cottbus to the east, and north from Jüterbog to Freital to the south. Dresden roughly at lower center right portion of sheet. | Sheet N.52, Dresden from series originally issued in various editions by Great Britain, War Office, Geographical Section, General Staff, No. 4346. | "For use by War and Navy Department Agencies only. Not for sale or distribution." | Military grid. | "Nord de Guerre Zone Grid ... Spheroid, Du Plessis." | Cataloging agency's copy overprinted with 4 coordinate scale circles with center points located roughly at E 12°ʹ57 N 51°48ʹ ; E 14°4ʹ N 51°45ʹ ; E 13°45ʹ N 51°13ʹ ; E 12°38ʹ N 51°13ʹ. IXA | "Heights in metres." | "Certain main spot heights are indicated by a white tab to improve legibility." | Includes legend, Incidence of grid letters diagrams, Convergence for corners of this sheet diagram, To give a grid reference on this sheet, Grid data: Nord de Guerre Grid, Index to adjoining sheets, Index to corresponding sheets of G.S.G.S. 4081, Germany 1:100,000, Conversion table, Authorities, and Glossary. | "C.T.5.44."
United States. Army Map Service, cartographer (expression), issuing body, printer. (cartographer)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
Perry-Castañeda Library Maps, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin