Great Britain Ministry of Information: Daily Press Notices and Bulletins: 1939-09-14
Great Britain Ministry of Information: Daily Press Notices and Bulletins: 1939-09-14
From the UK National Archives: “Formed on September 4th 1939, the day after Britain’s declaration of war, the Ministry of Information (MOI) was the central government department responsible for publicity and propaganda in the Second World War. The initial functions of the MOI were threefold: news and press censorship; home publicity; and oversees publicity in Allied and neutral countries”. This collection contains Press Notices and Bulletins published by the MOI between 1939-1945. The Press Notices and Bulletins are among many publications and films issued by the agency during the war.
Great Britain. Ministry of Information (Creator), Great Britain. Post Office (Contributor), Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Contributor), Great Britain. Home Office (Contributor), Northern Ireland. Ministry of Agriculture (Contributor), De La Warr, Herbrand Edward Dundonald Brassey Sackville, Earl, 1900-1976 (Contributor), Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 1870-1950 (Contributor), Great Britain. Ministry of Transport (Contributor), Great Britain. Mines Department (Contributor), Great Britain. Board of Trade (Contributor), Great Britain. Anglo-Roumanian Clearing Office (Contributor), Great Britain. Anglo-Italian Clearing Office (Contributor), Great Britain. Anglo-Turkish Clearing Office (Contributor), and Great Britain. War Office (Contributor)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin
World War, 1939-1945, Bomber pilots, Bombing, Aerial, Flying bombers through storms, World War, 1939-1945--Children, Great Britain. Air Raid Precautions Department--Officials and employees--Training of, Motion picture theaters, Theater, West End (London, England), Telegraph, Telephone--Rates, Contraband of war--Management, South Africa--Foreign relations, De La Warr, Herbrand Edward Dundonald Brassey Sackville, Earl, 1900-1976, World War, 1939-1945--Evacuation of civilians, Evacuated school children, Evacuation reception areas, Households receiving evacuated persons, Schools in reception areas, Teachers in reception areas, Butter trade, Cheese industry, Agricultural Development Act, Agriculture--Management, Farm life, Northern Ireland. Ministry of Agriculture, Plowing, Swine--Prices--Government policy, Wheat Acts, Wheat--Prices--Government policy, Winter wheat, Great Britain--Armed Forces--Reserves--Humor, Soldiers as artists, Anglo-Italian Clearing Agreement, Anglo-Romanian Payments Agreements, Anglo-Turkish Trade and Clearing Agreement, Clearinghouses (Banking), Horsbrugh, Florence, Baroness, Finance Act 1936, Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Act Licensing Regulations, Safeguarding of Industries Act 1921, Employment agencies, Farm foremen, Farm managers, Supervisors, Industrial, National socialism, Neutrality, Neutral trade, Propaganda, German, Fuel rationing--Management, Soldiers--Recreation, Boxers (Sports), Boxing, Hertzog, J.B.M., South Africa--Politics and government--20th century, and Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 1870-1950
Place Name:
Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Northern Ireland, Romania, South Africa, and Turkey
Geographic Coverage:
Germany (country), Wilhelmshaven (city), Kiel (city), England (country), and Aldershot (city)