Great Britain Ministry of Information: Daily Press Notices and Bulletins:1941-01-09
Great Britain Ministry of Information: Daily Press Notices and Bulletins:1941-01-09
From the UK National Archives: “Formed on September 4th 1939, the day after Britain’s declaration of war, the Ministry of Information (MOI) was the central government department responsible for publicity and propaganda in the Second World War. The initial functions of the MOI were threefold: news and press censorship; home publicity; and oversees publicity in Allied and neutral countries”. This collection contains Press Notices and Bulletins published by the MOI between 1939-1945. The Press Notices and Bulletins are among many publications and films issued by the agency during the war.
Great Britain. Ministry of Information. (Creator), Great Britain. Air Ministry (Creator), Great Britain. Ministry of Home Security (Creator), Great Britain. General Post Office (Creator), Great Britain. Post Office (Creator), Great Britain. War Office. Military Affairs (Creator), Great Britain. War Office. Air Affairs (Creator), Great Britain. War Office. Naval Affairs (Creator), Great Britain. Dominions Office. Press Section (Creator), Great Britain. Admiralty (Creator), Great Britain. Ministry of Food (Creator), British Broadcasting Corporation (Creator), Great Britain. Ministry of Pensions (Creator), Great Britain. Mines Department (Creator), Headquarters of the Free French Forces (Creator), and Great Britain. HM Treasury (Creator)
Date Created/Date Issued:
Owning Repository:
University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin
World War, 1939-1945--History, World War, 1939-1945--Social aspects, World War, 1939-1945, Great Britain, Great Britain. Royal Air Force., Indonesia--Bandoeng, Hurricane (Fighter plane), World War II--Personal Narratives., World War II--Great Britain--Personal Narratives., World War II--Great Britain--Naval Cadets, Bombings--Germany, Mail lost by Enemy action, Bombings--Germany--Wilhelmshaven, Bombings--Germany--Emden, Bombings--Germany--Borkum, Great Britain--Film Revues, 1941 Film Revues, Great Britain. Treasury Board of Trade, Wood, Edward Frederick Lindley, Earl of Halifax, 1881-1959, Great Britain. Pilgrim's club, Speech corrections, Slotemaker de Bruine, N. A. C. (Nicolaas Ahasuerus Cornelis), 1895-, Ration cards for horses, Prisoners of war--Germany., Prisoners of war--Italy., Fall of Bardia, Fort Capuzzo, Orzeł (Submarine), Polish submarines, Air raid victims, Ireland--Ulster., Great Britain. Ministry of Health., Great Britain. Ministry of Public Safety., Broadcast script, War commentary, Road repairs, Fisher, Warren, Sir, 1879-1948, El Gazala, Libya--Martuba, Libya--Tmimi, Libya--Benina, Libya--Tobruk, Abysinia--Gubba, World War II--Kenya, Varval (Submarine), Royal Air Force Awards, Companion of the Distinguished Service Order, Bar to the Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Flying Medal, Free French Movement, Welshhouse Coal, Great Britain. Vacancies in Police, Great Britain. Vacancies in Fire, Great Britain. Vacancies in Firstaid, Bombings--German North Sea, Germany--Wilhelmshaven, Germany--Emden, Prices of Rabbit, Prisoners of War--England, English prisoners in enemy hands, HM Ethel Taylor casualities, HM Aphis Casualties, Army and Air Force Photographing England, Anti-Rabbit Blitz, waste paper, Australia--Post War Boom, Canadian Air Preparation, Royal Canadian Air Force, Air Raid Warnings, Gifts for purchase of aircraft, Women's Sovereign, Canadian Military Staff College in England, Northern Ireland--Flax Crop, Canadian Army Bands, Air Force Pre-Entry Training, Air Training Corps, Garrod, Guy, Garrod, Alfred Guy Roland, Wolfenden, John Frederick, Sir, 1906-1985, Wolfenden, John Frederick, Baron Wolfenden of Westcott, and Air Defence Cadet Corp Squadrons